uniwax Marble and Granite Cleaner surface cleaner and shiner Natural stone cleaner


₹ 380

₹ 650



  • it is concentrated, use only 50 ml in bucket of water
  • Safe on all types of surfaces, it leaves marble and granite floors shining and clean
  • Cleans hard water spots, dirt deposit, etc.
  • Helps In cleaning, polishing, removing yellowness
  • Our pH balanced formula will keep your stone's seal from deteriorating

Uniwax marble and granite cleaner is very much effective and safe to use on marble, granite, wooden and all type of floors. It kills germs and bacteria and removes oil from floor. Most of these microorganisms are harmless and we come into contact with them almost every time during our daily lives. They’re on you right now. In fact, some even help us keep healthy. But certain microorganisms, when they enter into the wrong place, can pose real health hazards and such disastrous organisms are called germs. Exposure to bad germs can cause food poisoning, diarrheal and other kinds of sickness in individuals. Uniwax marble and granite cleaner saves you from all these harmful germs whilst keeping you and your home clean.The powerful active formula leaves brilliant shiny surface after cleaning. Uniwax marble and granite cleaner takes complete care of your family by keeping your kitchen, bathroom, floor, furniture and even the pets disinfected and clean.